The Brazilian Bee Studies Association (A.B.E.L.H.A.) is a civil, non-profit association with no political or ideological connotation, with the purpose of leading the creation of a network for the conservation of bees and other pollinators.
Our mission is to gather, produce and disseminate scientifically based information aimed at the conservation of Brazilian biodiversity and the harmonious and sustainable coexistence of agriculture with bees and other pollinators.
Scientific Council
Science-based information can contribute to better decision-making by governments and public and private institutions, to the professionalization of beekeeping and meliponiculture in the country, and to the improvement of the relationship between agriculture and these activities.
Public Call CNPq/MCTIC/IBAMA/ ABELHA Association N. 32/2017
The research promotion initiative promoted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and A.B.E.L.H.A..
InfoA.B.E.L.H.A. is the platform that incorporates the search systems developed by A.B.E.L.H.A
InfoA.B.E.L.H.A. Neotropical
InfoA.B.E.L.H.A. Bees-Plants